Grateful Heart Thanksgiving Set Starter
The Grateful Heart Thanksgiving Set Starter can be mixed and matched several ways to create a Thanksgiving flavor to your worship. Here are 3 examples:
Service Order 1:
Underscore 3 Come Ye Thankful People Come Underscore 2 (prayer time) Now Thank We All Our God | |
Offertory Special:
Underscore 1 Grateful Heart | |
Service Order 2:
Underscore 1 Grateful Heart Underscore 4 Come Ye Thankful People Come Underscore 2 (prayer time) Now Thank We All Our God |
Grateful Heart Acoustic Mix: for churches without electric guitar (tracks and vocal demo included) | |
Open your service with a single Thanksgiving song:
Narration Now Thank We All Our God |
More Details:
Click to download a PDF with more detailed instructions about the Grateful Heart Thanksgiving Set Starter.What's Included:
All arrangements contained in the Grateful Heart Thanksgiving Set Starter come with your HymnCharts subscription. What's new are the underscores, readings, graphics and combined tracks. Combined tracks allow you to play one MP3 with a flow of several songs and underscores.The total time of the music is almost 10 minutes.

The Grateful Heart Thanksgiving Set Starter is designed to flavor your worship service for the Thanksgiving holiday. The 3 songs and 4 Underscores give you about 10 minutes of music and can be mixed and matched into over 7 service order variations.
A note from arranger/composer Don Chapman
The flexibility of the Grateful Heart Thanksgiving Set Starter will allow you to use it in different forms for years to come. Instead of having a full service of Thanksgiving songs, The Grateful Heart Set Starter will let you set a tone of Thanksgiving by opening your service with a few Thanksgiving-themed songs, have a welcome and announcements, then continue on with a regular praise set. Or just open your service with one Underscore and one song.
It's flexible: lead the service with a just a worship leader and pianist or include a 3 part vocal praise team or full SATB choir - all the parts are included! Download the Instrumental Parts zip for additional instrumental parts and synth strings.
If you don't have any musicians, conduct the entire service with my MP3 stereo tracks. The hymns and Underscores come in both vocal and stereo track versions. You can read the Scripture narrations over the tracks or play the vocal narration demos. Some churches like to play the underscores live and use tracks for the songs.
The secret to this service guide, and something you won't find ANYWHERE else, is my specially composed underscores that are to be played under the Scripture narrations. I've created these underscores to match the mood and feeling of the Scripture narrations - much like a movie score supports the acting. This will allow you to create the perfect worship flow for your service!
Download Files:
graphics zip3 part vocals demos zip
combined tracks MP3s zip
combined demos MP3s zip
stereo tracks MP3s zip
vocal demos MP3s zip
service guide zip
sheet music songs zip
sheet music underscores zip
instrumental parts zip
Service Guide downloads are large files. If you have a slower Internet connection and are having trouble downloading, try using the Free Download Manager to help with your downloads - the program helps manage downloads and any interruptions that may occur.
Watch a praise choir sing Now Thank We All Our God.