Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

listen: POP

with french horn

listen: ORC


“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” is an essential of the Easter season. It was written by Charles Wesley, the most successful hymn writer to ever live, and it took the help of an unknown editor to create the popular version of the hymn we all know and sing today.

Read the full hymn history on the blog.

Words: Charles Wesley
Music: Lyra Davidica
Key: C major
Time Sig: 4/4
Tempo: 118 | up tempo
Meter: with alleluias
CCLI #: 5205606
Verse: Matthew 28:6
Use this arrangement as an upbeat opener in your Easter praise set.

03.25.20: Remixed tracks, multitracks, updated vocal and instrumental parts. I've also added stereo tracks in the half step lower key of B just to take the edge off if C is a little too high.

The vocal demo is my typical praise band arrangement with electric guitars. The "FH" demo gives you an idea of what the arrangement sounds like if you added a french horn to your praise band (or played a french horn patch on your keyboard - that's why I included a C version.) The ORC demo has all instrumental parts.

   Free Finale Notepad
NEW: 10.22.24 Shhh! I still have a Windows version of Finale Notepad that you can download, install and open my Finale files to change key. When you download, do NOT register the software, just run it. Download Finale Notepad for Windows
   Free Key Change
NEW: 09.23.24 Finale has announced they will no longer be making the software! Read my thoughts about the future of sheet music at Hymncharts.
   HYMNDEX Links
The modern worship lyrics trend for projection is to leave out most punctuation for a clean look. The original hymncharts lyrics text file contains punctuation. Our website was created to help churches build hymn lyric slides without punctuation.
Instruments mp3s are the arrangements played one time through with just piano and instrumental parts to give you an idea of the orchestration. In the early days of hymncharts before I made vocal recordings I had created these instruments mp3s as a quick demo. Since I now create both a POP and an ORC (orchestrated) mix I no longer make instrumental mp3s for newer arrangements.
MP3 Problems?
Several subscribers have had problems downloading MP3s. Here are the 2 most typical problems and solutions:

1. How do I download the MP3s? MP3s and (if available) multitrack WAV downloads are found under the "tracks" tab. You can download these MP3s (or any files) to your computer by RIGHT clicking the button, then a little box will pop up with options. Select something like "save as"or "save link as" to manually save the MP3s to your computer where you can then burn a CD, email it to your praise team or upload it to a worship planning website.

2. The MP3 won't play in iTunes (or other media player.) All HymnCharts MP3s are free from ALL copy protection and can be used any way you want. Some people are clicking the MP3 button dragging it to iTunes or another media player. This won't work (you're actually just dragging the image file of the button!) Download the MP3 using the instructions above, then you can access it through your media player.