12.20.21: Silent Night: New bulletin blurb.
12.13.21: NEW hymn lyric videos! Since worship livestreams are a thing now and people have been asking for them, here are the first 10 hymn lyric videos… FREE with your hymncharts subscription! (I’m also creating a separate website for churches who just want the videos, but you get them all free!) I’ll put out about two per month. You have permission to use them in your livestreams and home groups. You can find a list under the Hymns link at the top of every page.
12.12.21: Added a convenient copy function to the bulletin blurb for The First Noel 2021. I’ll add this to all future bulletin blurbs, many more are coming! Are you liking the idea of a bulletin blurb for the hymns? Let us know via the contact link!
12.08.21: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence: I’ve never quite arranged a song like this before! This chant-like hymn was used centuries ago for communion – I think it would be perfect for an unusual Christmas Eve candlelight service!
12.06.21: NEW multitracks and instrumental parts for The First Noel 2021.
12.02.21: NEW chord charts, synth strings, SATB and SAB for The First Noel 2021.
11.29.21: NEW Hymn History for The First Noel 2021. A few years ago I wrote a short history on the hymncharts blog about the hymn Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus. Somehow that article ingrained itself into search engine algorithms and became the most popular page at hymncharts! Evidently people like hymn histories, so I’ve commisioned writer Taylor Brantley (who also helps with hymncharts social media) to research and write stories behind the hymns. But here’s the twist, exclusively for hymncharts subscribers: you have permission to download a short blurb suitable for printing in your church bulletin or for use in your other publications. His first history is about The First Noel – the full stories will be on the hymncharts blog and subscribers can login for the exclusive bulletin blurb. Of course, feel free to use the full story if you wish, I just wanted to provide you with the shorter, bulletin blurb option.
11.22.21: NEW Arrangement: The First Noel 2021. This arrangement ushers in a new, modern era at hymncharts! Read more at the blog. I wanted to release this before Thanksgiving so you can consider it in your Christmas worship planning, so right now I just have the MP3 demos and the core piano/vocal sheet music. I’ll upload chord charts, instrumental parts and multitracks over the next week.
09.30.21: NEW SATB+ and MULTIS: Amazing Grace 2004.
09.17.21: NEW Recording: I Will Praise Him: I’ve recorded this early hymncharts arrangement (from way back in 2004) for the first time – new MP3 demos, tracks, transposed chord charts and enhanced vocal / instrumental parts.
08.03.21: NEW PowerPoint Files: For the past several weeks my team and I have been rebuilding every last PowerPoint file and have made them wide-screen. Read more about the new PowerPoints on the blog.
We’ve double and triple and quadruple checked them for accuracy. I was going to upload them last week and we still were finding problems. Email me if you find any PowerPoints that have errors.
We’ve formated them using CMG Sans. It’s my favorite font for worship slides and it is FREE for churches! Included are 34 weights, including an all-caps font. Download CMG Sans at ChurchMotionGraphics.com. (They’ll default to generic fonts if you don’t use CMG Sans.)
07.06.21: UPDATE: After a month of hiccups I finally got word TODAY that hymncharts has been migrated to the new server! I’ll be testing it over the next few days so please email me if you find anything not working!
06.04.21: Good and bad news: The good news is hymncharts is experiencing a ton of traffic The bad news is I have outgrown my web hosting and have to migrate over 50g of files to a new server LOL! They keep telling me it will be finished any day now… so I have decided to not upload any new files until the transfer is complete. What’s coming: completely new, reformatted Powerpoint files, SATB Amazing Grace and multitracks – I’ll alert you via email (and here) when the new files are active.
05.20.21: Amazing Grace 2004: New instrumental parts, ORC demo and stereo tracks in various keys.
05.20.21: I just discovered a cool plugin that tracks the most popular hymns in real time over the past 7 days! I love statistics! Check it out on the right: Trending: Past 7 Days
04.28.21: Amazing Grace 2004, originally released on April 23, 2004, can now be heard for the first time with this new recording seventeen years later! The piano part has been slightly enhanced and the vocals and instrumental parts have been completely updated. Also new are transposed chord charts. Instrumental parts, additional stereo track keys and multitracks are coming soon. read more about it in on the blog.
02.26.21: Glorious Day Service Guide: Downloads for this service guide have now been fixed and are available to all subscribers.
02.04.21: New recording: Fairest Lord Jesus: New transposed chord charts, vocal demos, multitracks, updated vocal and instrumental parts. Originally arranged in 2002, Fairest Lord Jesus is one of the earliest hymncharts that has never been recorded until now.
01.18.21: I’m SUPER excited to report that you can now change the key of the sheet music for 75% of hymncharts arrangements for free! Learn more.
01.08.21: To start off the new year and the new hymncharts website I wanted to spruce up my flagship arrangement: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.
This latest version has completely updated synth strings, instrumental parts as well as new SATB and SAB. The piano part has been slightly tweaked and the 3 part vocals have remained unchanged.
I’ve stripped down the arrangement a little bit by removing some of the synthy leads and things that were more in vogue a decade ago.
The recording has been remixed and cleaned up with the latest technology – completely new vocal demos and multitracks.
I’ve done this to keep up with the times and styles (plus I feel I can mix better and arrange better than I could 10-20 years ago!) All Hail is now on its 3rd iteration – version 3.0. It was my first arrangement I created back in 2002 when, as a new music director at a church plant, people in my congregation were complaining I wasn’t including hymns in my praise sets. I wasn’t including them because back in those days, there weren’t any! So I started arranging my own and thus hymncharts was born.
That first version had a key change on the fourth verse. I kept the arrangement in one key for the next version (2.0) back in 2012’s revamp.
I also had a “modern mix” which I’ve dropped for the time being. I plan on creating a special arrangement just for that style – a sound that would fit better with today’s worship from Bethel, Elevation, etc. so stay tuned!
12.20.20: Merry Christmas from hymncharts!: Over the past few weeks many of you have sent me videos of you and your churches performing my arrangements on your livestreams and they have been such an incredible blessing! Now that I’ve “come back to life” I have several arrangements and new recordings in “the can” ready to release over the course of January and I am very much looking forward to 2021 (aren’t we all lol!) Now, you have one more week of stress getting ready for Christmas Eve and then please take a well-deserved break Here’s an article I wrote at my other website, worshipideas.com, with some tips for a last-minute Christmas Eve service.
12.10.20: Lyrics Search Working: The new hymncharts website lost the ability to search lyrics. You wouldn’t believe what goes on behind the scenes here, and a simple thing like rebuilding the lyrics search has taken over three weeks – going back and forth with the European developer. It’s now working – simply click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of any page (far right of the navigation area) and enter lyrics. This is also great for thematic planning – if your pastor is preaching on “hope” simply type “hope” and find all the hymns with that word. Narrow searches with quotes – “royal diadem” will only return results with the those two words in that exact order.
12.10.20: Squashing Bugs: Thank you so much to those of you who have reported errors! We think we have found about 98% of broken links, so please continue to let us know if you find anything not working correctly. Click on “contact” at the top of any page.
11.19.20: NEW WEBSITE:
The new website went live around 10:50pm eastern (sorry if you got caught in the middle of it, I didn’t log any traffic and hopefully nobody was on that late at night!) Even though the design is similar, my team and I have spent hours rebuilding the entire website with a new template. Some functionality (like lyrics searching) is currently offline as I have to develop a completely new method. With any new overhaul there will inevitably be broken links – if you find something that isn’t downloading or working please send me an email at the error page.
With the new website update I’ve tried to make downloading files make more sense. Instead of choir, praise team and worship leader tabs you can now sort downloads by vocals, instruments, chord charts and tracks. Please email me if you have any questions.
11.11.20: Newsletter with 2 big announcements! A new hymncharts website is coming.
06.29.20: New Remix: Jesus Paid It All: New mix using the latest tech, new multitracks and updated vocal and instrumental parts.
03.25.20: New Remix: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today: New mix using the latest tech (wow, what a difference 10 years makes in mixing technology!), new multitracks and updated vocal and instrumental parts. Try adding a french horn (or french horn synth patch) to your praise band – the vocal demo FH gives you an idea of what this sounds like.
01.13.20: New recording: Day By Day: New transposed chord charts, vocal demos, multitracks, updated vocal and instrumental parts. This is one of my earliest arrangements (2004) that I’ve never recorded. When I revisit these I’ll usually improve on the arrangements because, presumably, I’m a better arranger now than I was 15 years ago :).
07.02.19: NEW arrangement: My Faith Looks Up to Thee.
05.15.19: Audio Clips Fixed. Due to a server upgrade a week or two ago all the audio clips stopped working in Chrome and Firefox browsers. If an arrangement has been recorded you’ll see a quick-reference audio clip right below the song title which looks like this:
This clip is so you can quickly hear the arrangement. To download MP3s you’ll see a red MP3 button below the sheet music downloads.
03.14.19: NEW original song: The Deep Deep Love of Jesus. Occasionally I’ll write a new tune for traditional hymn lyrics – I consider these a free bonus to your subscription. This one will work great for a Good Friday service.
02.27.19: NEW Blessed Assurance Guitar Spotlight. OK, one more file LOL! Guitarists like this MP3 as I turn up the guitars in the mix and turn everything else down – this helps them pick out their parts a bit easier. For those of you in more traditional churches, here’s how it works – guitarists don’t play from sheet music, they’re picking the part out by ear and using a chord chart for the road map. The guitarist won’t ever get the part exactly correct, they’re just trying to approximate it the best they can. This recording has several electric guitar tracks and you might only have one or two in your band.
02.25.19: NEW Blessed Assurance Acoustic & ORC Multitracks, new stereo track keys. Whew! I think I’m finally done with this arrangement. It’s been the most complex I’ve every put on the website but since it’s a top 20 hymn I wanted to give you as many options as possible. Let me know if you find any errors.
02.20.19: NEW Blessed Assurance Acoustic Mix & Multitracks. Read more about it and the wonderful cellist on the blog. I’ll also be uploading separate modern and acoustic version multitracks since each mix is so different.
02.13.19: NEW arrangement: Blessed Assurance (This Is My Story) I’ve been working on this arrangement since mid-January and if I don’t put it out now it’ll never get out lol! Sometimes an arrangement takes on a life of its own – in this case I’ve arranged “Blessed Assurance” to specifically work with modern worship (like Bethel/Hillsong). It is very synthy, spacious and open much like that modern genre, but I also like to do alternate versions, especially with a “top 20” popular hymn like this. I also have the typical HymnCharts-esque orchestrated version and next week I’ll have a stripped-down acoustic version. You’ll get a lot of use out of this arrangement so I like to do these different versions for variety – I could hear a church do a different version every time you use it.
A new sheet music file for this arrangement is for synth pad – this replaces the synth strings part if you want to get that modern worship sound (use the regular synth strings with other orchestral instruments.) You of course can never get these modern arrangements to sound exactly like the recordings unless you use multitracks, but you can approximate the sound with this synth pad part – it’s exactly what I’m playing for the core synth you hear. For those who are high-tec and using laptops and soft synths, I’m using Peter James’ ZION patch for Omnisphere. This is the exact sound he has used on Hillsong recordings and you can download it at multitracks.com.
12.10.18: Additional files for Hark the Herald 2018. Chord charts, instrumental parts, multitracks.
12.05.18: NEW arrangement: Hark the Herald 2018. I’ve taken the first song from the new Christmas Medley 2, lowered the key and made it a full arrangement. I’ve uploaded basic files right now so you can decide if you want to use it this year, and will be posting the other files this week.
11.30.18: New Christmas Medley 2 files:
Multitracks: I’m using new software to render these multitracks so let me know if something doesn’t sound or act correctly.
Guitar Spotlight: This MP3 exposes electric, acoustic and bass guitars so your players can hear their parts more clearly – electric hard left, acoustic hard right.
Ladies Demo: I’ve turned the ladies up and everything else down so your poor, non-sight-reading sopranos (hahahahahah!) can learn their parts
11.26.18: Christmas Medley 2: New 2 part vocals MP3s and sheet music, instrumental parts. I’ll upload multitracks this week.
11.19.18: NEW arrangement:Christmas Medley 2. Since last year’s Christmas Medley was such a smash I thought I’d make another one! Same 3-song format – it makes for a great mini-praise set to kick off a December Sunday or Christmas Eve service. This one’s easy 2 part vocals and the men are on the melody throughout. I still have to upload instrumental parts, 2 part choir and multitracks later this week but I at least wanted to get the basic files up so you can consider it for your Christmas planning.
10.21.18: He Leadeth Me. New recording, tracks, updated vocal & instrumental parts, transposed chord charts.
07.09.18: Softly and Tenderly. New recording, tracks, updated vocal & instrumental parts, transposed chord charts.
05.30.18: When We All Get to Heaven. New recording, tracks, updated vocal & instrumental parts, transposed chord charts.
03.21.18: Glorious Day combined tracks and underscore multitracks, powerpoint and graphics.
03.06.18: New arrangement: Jesus Paid It All. Perfect as a final song in your Easter praise set, this arrangement also works with the Easter Medley.
02.19.18: Glorious Day: Original songs are a bonus with any HymnCharts subscription – this one works great as a praise team finale to your Easter service. It’s also a part of the Glorious Day Easter Sunrise Service Guide.
02.16.18: New SATB+ Page: I’ve created enough SATB+ arrangements that it’s time to create a page/listing dedicated to them. You can find the new SATB+ navigation link at the top of every page.
02.13.18: New Service Guide: Glorious Day Easter Sunrise Service Guide.
02.06.18: New recording: In the Garden. New recording, tracks, multitracks, revised vocal and instrumental parts.
01.24.18: New arrangement: Morning Medley. I’ve combined my Doxology and When Morning Gilds the Skies arrangements to create an upbeat opener for any service – and especially an Easter or Easter sunrise service.
01.19.18: Christ Arose Easter Service Guide: I’ve re-ordered this service guide by putting all the songs together in a few convenient downloads – for both CHOIR and PRAISE TEAM subscription levels.
01.18.18: Palm Sunday Kid’s Medley: I got this online again and downloadable for both CHOIR and PRAISE TEAM subscription levels.
12.11.17: New SATB+ and multitracks: Silent Night.
11.16.17: New SATB+ and remix: Joy to the World 2007.
11.06.17: New Multitracks, SATB+: Come Ye Thankful People Come.
11.01.17: New arrangement: Christmas Medley. I planned on getting this out mid-October but at over 6 minutes, this medley is my longest HymnChart ever so the mixing time was tripled! Try using it as a mini-praise set to open a December Sunday or Christmas Eve service. NEW: I’m experimenting with a new layout for the files. In the next few weeks I’ll be adding a new subscription plan called “praise team” that will have 3 part vocal charts. You’ll now see tabs labeled “choir,” “praise team” and “worship leader” (LITE will change to “worship leader.”) I hope these tabs will help you sort through the files a little easier – email me if you have any suggestions!
09.20.17: New recording: O Worship the King. Originally arranged in 2006, I’ve now recorded this hymn with updated vocal and instrumental parts as well as added transposed chord charts. The demos come in 3 styles: folk, pop and orchestrated.
07.30.17: New recording: Holy, Holy, Holy. Originally arranged in 2002, I’ve now recorded this hymn with updated vocal and instrumental parts as well as added transposed chord charts.
06.14.17: New recording: Come Thou Fount. Originally arranged in 2002, I’ve now recorded this hymn with updated vocal and instrumental parts as well as added transposed chord charts and multitracks.
04.05.17: Easter Underscores: Add Easter-themed narrations and underscores to Hallelujah What a Savior, Christ Arose and The Old Rugged Cross. Finale files are also available so you can use the Underscores with the keys of other arrangements or popular praise songs if you choose.
Instead of batching Underscores together in a single zip file like I’ve done with previous Service Guides, here I’m breaking them out to be individually downloaded for your convenience. If you like this method I’ll do the same with the other service guides – give me your feedback!
04.04.17: New Arrangement: Hallelujah What a Savior 1 Verse Version. Here’s an easy way to add the flavor of a hymn to your contemporary praise set. Think of this mini-arrangement as sort of an intro to a contemporary song. Let me know if you like the idea!
04.03.17: Fixed search.
03.27.17: New Multitracks: The Old Rugged Cross and Lead Me to Calvary (New Melody Version.)
03.21.17: New Multitracks: Christ Arose and Are You Washed In The Blood.
03.21.17: New Drum Loops: The Old Rugged Cross and Lead Me to Calvary (New Melody Version.)
03.15.17: New SATB, Multis and Remix: Hallelujah, What a Savior 2011. This arrangement has extensively revised vocal and instrumental parts, new remixed MP3s and an SATB recording.
03.09.17: New Multitracks: Easter Medley and What Wondrous Love Is This.
03.07.17: New Arrangement: Easter Medley. The uptempo, easy Easter Medley is the perfect way to open your Easter worship.
03.01.17: New SATB and Remix: What Wondrous Love Is This. This arrangement has revised vocal and instrumental parts, new remixed MP3s and an SATB recording.
02.21.17: New SATB and Remix: Are You Washed In the Blood. This arrangement has revised vocal and instrumental parts, new remixed MP3s and an SATB recording.
02.06.17: New SATB and Remix: Christ Arose. This arrangement has revised vocal and instrumental parts, new remixed MP3s and an SATB recording.
01.26.17: New SATB and Remix: The Old Rugged Cross 2009. This arrangement has revised vocal and instrumental parts, new remixed MP3s and an SATB recording.
01.10.17: New Arrangement: Lead Me to Calvary. This new melody to the traditional hymn lyrics is arranged for praise team and SAT(B) choir and is the opening song of the upcoming Christ Arose Easter Service Guide.
01.10.17: Upcoming Easter Service Guide: Christ Arose. This is my first full SATB Easter Service Guide and I’ll be releasing newly mixed tracks for it during January. Read more about what’s coming for Easter 2017!
11.07.16: New Multitrack: Midnight Clear (Hear the Angels.) New synth loop and multitracks.
11.07.16: New REmix: Go Tell It. As I’m starting to go back and create multitracks of older songs I need to kind of disassemble them and remix them. This arrangement has: new vocal demo, transposed stereo tracks in F and G and guitar spotlight mp3.
10.25.16: New arrangement: Midnight Clear (Hear the Angels.) I’m really happy with this arrangement – it’s hard to get this particular Christmas carol to sound “modern” but some Trans-Siberian-esque electric power chords and angelic synths take it to a new level. I hope you like it! It’s also an easy SATB/SAB choir piece since it’s mostly 2 parts and can be learned quickly with the vocal demo mp3.
10.18.16: New arrangement: Away in a Manger (Lullabye). This arrangement features a female worship leader solo with a male background vocal. Try using it as a special for your Christmas Eve Service right before the sermon.
09.27.16: New REmix: Joy to the World 2007. As I’m starting to go back and create multitracks of older songs I need to kind of disassemble them and remix them. For this arrangement I’ve added a new vocal, bass part, revised SATB, SAB and 3 part vocals (the old SATB voice writing in particular was dreadful lol!) and multitracks.
08.09.16: New recording: Be Still My Soul. Originally arranged in 2006, I’ve now recorded this hymn with updated vocal, instrumental and piano parts as well as added chord charts and multitracks.
07.15.16: New arrangement: Holy (Lord Almighty). I consider this a “flagship” arrangement, one that you’ll probably use a lot and one that is representative of how my arranging style is evolving and modernizing. It comes in a modern version with electric guitar lead, a new synthesizer part and synth loops and a blended version that has instrumental parts and a slightly busier piano part. Read the HymnCharts blog and learn how you can use “Holy (Lord Almighty)” with popular praise songs like Holy Spirit, Oceans, Bethel’s It Is Well and Ever Be.
06.14.16: New recording: Rejoice the Lord Is King. I originally arranged this hymn way back in 2004 and have now revised the instrumental parts, vocal parts and have added multitracks, tracks and vocal demos. I had planned on releasing my new “Holy Holy Holy” next but I was unhappy with the bass track so I had the talented bass player Michael Rossback redo it. He’s been touring with Paul Baloche so I had to wait for him to get to it! Now that he’s finished (it sounds amazing!) I’ll get back to work on “Holy.”
05.31.16: New multitracks for: I Need Thee Every Hour and Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
05.02.16: I’m still alive! I’ve been under the weather for the past few months with odd, various ailments (I’m getting old lol!) and have finally gotten back to my old self I have a TON of music “in the can” and ready to be mixed that I’d planned on putting out months ago. In the next few weeks I’ll have my new, “modern” version of “Holy Holy Holy” ready. I’ve spent the past two years updating and modernizing Christmas music and I want to start updating the top general hymns next.
02.17.16: New arrangement: Redeemed.
01.14.16 Fixed guitar spotlight link on Christ the Lord Alleluia.
11.24.15 New “Bethel” Drum Mix: I’ve added a new drum pattern option to my latest arrangement of O Come All Ye Faithful (Adore). Read more about it on the HymnCharts blog.
11.10.15 Windows 10 problem with downloading! I just had a subscriber call with problems downloading files in Window 10’s new “Edge” browser. Sure enough (after a quick Google search), turns out Edge will NOT let you “save as” a file! Unbelievable!!! (Microscoft explains the browser is still new and a “work in progress.”) In the meantime, install Firefox or Chrome. (PS I’m a Microsoft fan and just bought the new Surface Book, which I love
11.09.15 New arrangement: O Come All Ye Faithful (Adore). This modern arrangement is influenced by Bethel Worship.
11.09.15 Thanksgiving Praise Song: Grateful Heart. Singable, chart-topping original praise songs are a bonus with your HymnCharts subscription (both full and LITE.) Grateful Heart reached #1 on PraiseCharts.com’s top Thanksgiving songs list. Use it as an upbeat opening to your Thanksgiving service or as an offertory special.
10.19.15 New SATB arrangement: O Little Town. This choir special would be a perfect fit for your Christmas Eve service!
10.13.15 New arrangement: Sing We Now of Christmas. This arrangement comes in 2 versions: worship leader / praise team and SATB choir. It’s the perfect song to kick off a December praise set or Christmas Eve service.
09.09.15 New SATB+ Now Thank We All Our God. New SATB recording with choir practice tracks and SATB-only sheet music.
08.31.15 New SATB+ Just As I Am. New SATB recording with choir practice tracks and SATB-only sheet music.
08.31.15 New arrangement: Our Great Savior. This guitar-heavy arrangement is aimed squarely at contemporary worship – use it to open your praise set. I’ll have multitracks and loops next week.
08.25.15 NEW SATB+ Choir Recordings! To encourage contemporary churches to use a choir, I’ve recorded a batch of 7 arrangements with a choir. Let me know if you like this idea – if it’s a hit I’ll record more! Here’s the first one: My Savior’s Love 2012. Included with all SATB+ arrangements will be an SATB choir demo, soprano/alto/tenor/bass practice tracks and SATB-only sheet music. Read more about SATB+.
07.27.15 New arrangement: Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus.
06.29.15 New HymnCharts Features. Click the link to read more about new enhancements to the website. I’ve also made it a little easier for HymnChartsLITE subscribers to know which files they can download.
06.04.15 New patriotic multitracks for America the Beautiful and Battle Hymn.
06.02.15 New arrangement: Just As I Am 2015.
05.12.15: Read my new HymnLink blog post about All Creatures to hear examples of blending this arrangement with Tomlin’s Sing Sing Sing, Matt Redman’s Sing and Shout and Sing to the King.
05.10.15: New recording: All Creatures of Our God and King. New vocal demos, stereo tracks, multitracks and updated vocal and instrumental parts.
04.14.15: New MP3s for 25 hymns: When I redesigned the website over a year ago I dropped the MIDI files which left 25 arrangements without any audio demos. I’ve just uploaded new, bare-bones MP3 demos of these arrangements – they’ll either be just piano, piano/vocal or piano/vocal/drums, and will give you an idea how the arrangements sound until I have them fully recorded. They’re some of my first HymnCharts and fit a more blended style of worship:
All Creatures
Amazing Grace 2003
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Crown Him with Many Crowns 2002 (fast intro)
Crown Him with Many Crowns 2002 (slow intro)
Fairest Lord Jesus
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 2003
Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
I Am Thine, O Lord
I Surrender All
Jesus Shall Reign
Joy To The World
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Like A River Glorious
My Jesus, I Love Thee
Rejoice, The Lord Is King
Softly And Tenderly
The Old Rugged Cross
There Is Power in the Blood
The Solid Rock
Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
To God Be The Glory
We Gather Together
03.26.15: New multitracks for: Crown Him With Many Crowns 2015, Glory to His Name and Lead Me to Calvary
03.11.15: New Easter arrangement: Christ the Lord (Alleluia).
02.23.15: New Easter multitracks for: Near the Cross, When I Survey and Come Ye Sinners
02.21.15: New original song: Sacred Head – a new tune to the ancient hymn text O Sacred Head Now Wounded. Use it for a Good Friday or Easter service.
01.13.15: New original song: My Blessed Redeemer is a haunting new tune to the old hymn lyrics Blessed Redeemer. Use it for a Good Friday or Easter service.
01.13.15: New multitracks: Were You There 2012. I’ll be uploading new Easter multitracks over the next two months.
Silent Night click fix: It’s just come to my attention the Silent Night Multitracks click track is silent. It was muted when I rendered the tracks. So you don’t have to re-download the huge file, here’s a link to JUST the Silent Night click.
Last-minute Christmas Eve Underscores: Many of my underscores at HymnCharts transition specifically from one song to the other, and don’t really stand alone. However, I made a list of a few that work with a single song. If you happen to be using that song this Sunday or on Christmas Eve, you might want to use the underscore, too! (These are available with a full HymnCharts subscription, not LITE. If you’d like to upgrade, click the “Upgrades” link at the top of the page.)
Click the links below to go to the Service Guide pages where you can hear the underscores and download them (download the underscore zip file on the right of the Service Guide pages.)
Silent Night 2014
Underscore 3 / John 1:26-38
Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus 2014
Underscore 1 / John 1:1-14
The First Noel 2014
Underscore 2 / Luke 2:8-14
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Underscore 1 / Narration 1
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Underscore 2 / Luke 2:8-14
O Holy Night
Underscore 2 / Luke 2:15-20
Silent Night candlelighting underscore
Underscore 3
12.04.14: 4 new Christmas multitracks:
Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus 2014
Go Tell It On The Mountain 2014
Hark The Herald (Glory To The King)
Silent Night 2014
New APPS multitracks files: these smaller MP3s are for smartphone and tablet APPS like PRIME and PLAYBACK.
This does it for Christmas multitracks – I’ll start uploading Easter multis in January.
NEW 12.03.14: Updated original songs directory. These songs are a bonus to your HymnCharts and HymnChartsLITE subscription, and are now easier to hear and download. Try using one of the 6 Christmas songs in your December praise sets and Christmas Eve services.
HymnChartsLITE subscribers: need Christmas service guides? Upgrade to a full HymnCharts subscription.
12.01.14 New arrangement: Hark the Herald (Glory to the King).
11.30.14 New Christmas Service Guide: Our God Is Born. This Service Guide is a contemporary Christmas praise set, with 6 songs and 2 underscores.
11.29.14 Fixed quarter triplet notes in sheet music for Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 2014.
11.10.14 New arrangement: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 2014.
11.03.14 New arrangement: Silent Night 2014.
10.26.14 New arrangement: The Birthday of a King.
10.23.14 The JOY Christmas Service Guide is back online.
10.22.14 New Multitracks: HymnChartsMULTITRACKS has launched with 10 Christmas multitracks, with more multis being added every month. Upgrade your account.
10.16.14 New arrangement: Go Tell It On the Mountain 2014.
10.13.14 New arrangement: The First Noel 2014.
09.28.14 New arrangement: O Little Town of Bethlehem 2014.
09.23.14 New kids Christmas medley: O Little Town Kids Christmas Medley. 2 songs, underscore and reading for your kid’s choir.
09.13.14 New original Christmas song: Angels Were Singing. This song reached a peak position of #5 on PraiseCharts.com in November 2013 and will be a part of a new Christmas Service Guide and Set Starter.
09.09.14 New arrangement: O Come O Come Emmanuel 2014. This chart comes in two versions: for male worship leader and female worship leader. All the parts are the same except for different voicings in the 3 part vocals.
07.31.14 New arrangement: Angels We Have Heard On High 2014.
06.30.14 New arrangement: There Is A Fountain 2014.
06.26.14 After weeks of work, all arrangements now have lead sheets and lead sheet / keys files!
06.12.14 America the Beautiful 2008: New transposed tracks in Bb and B, drum loops in Bb, B and A, lead sheets.
06.12.14 America the Beautiful 2002: New transposed track in Bb, lead sheets.
06.06.14 Freedom’s Holy Light Patriotic Service Guide. 3 songs and underscores. 06.11.14 I’ve added an instrumental parts download.
06.02.14 Sweet By and By. I just discovered that when I redesigned the website last summer I left this arrangement out! It’s back online now, and I’ve added a stereo track in a higher key. If you think any other arrangement is missing, let me know.
05.31.14 Face to Face. New recording, new transposed chord charts, revised vocals and instrumental parts. For this arrangement I have a regular version and a key change version.
04.30.14 I Love to Tell the Story. New recording, new transposed chord charts, revised vocals and instrumental parts.
04.06.14 Glory to His Name. New arrangement, great for Easter.
03.26.14 All Glory, Laud and Honor 2014. This new arrangement is also a part of the new Hosanna Palm Sunday Kid’s Medley. Here I’ve added praise team, SAB and SATB parts, transposed stereo tracks and loops.
02.27.14 Come, Ye Sinner, Poor and Needy. New arrangement.
02.23.14 Meter / Tune Index. The Meter / Tune index is back! Let me know if you find any errors.
02.20.14 My Blessed Redeemer reached #4 today at PraiseCharts.com and #3 on their Easter music chart. Read more. My Blessed Redeemer comes with your HymnCharts subscription – download sheet music and charts.
02.18.14 My Blessed Redeemer. In addition to hymn arrangements, your HymnCharts subscription comes with some bonus original songs I write for the service guides. My Blessed Redeemer will show up eventually in a Good Friday service guide – it’s a new minor key melody to the traditional hymn lyrics for “Blessed Redeemer.”
02.17.14 The long-awaited meter/tune index is nearing completion! I just have to wait on the programmer to fix some minor issues.
02.17.14 I just discovered the Palm Sunday Kid’s download was missing the kid’s reading. It’s in the “service guide zip” on the download page.
02.16.14 Journey to the Cross Easter Service Guide. This complete Easter service contains 1 original song, 5 Easter hymns, readings, underscores and graphics.
02.08.14 Hosanna Palm Sunday Kid’s Medley. You’ll love this! And your congregation will love hearing your children’s choir singing and quoting Scripture on Palm Sunday.
01.14.14 Risen King Easter Service Guide. This complete Easter service contains 2 original songs, 4 Easter hymns, readings, underscores and graphics.
01.06.14 Happy New Year! Easter is looming and I’ll have my Easter Service Guides up soon for download, and I’m also working on getting the new meter/tune index programmed into the website.
12.03.13 JOY Christmas Eve Service Guide. This new Service Guide contains How Great Our Joy, O Come O Come Emmanuel, It Came upon the Midnight Clear, the kid’s medley Jesus Is His Name and Joy to the World.
12.03.13 O Come O Come Emmanuel 2013. New arrangement.
12.03.13 How Great Our Joy. New audio and updated parts.
11.06.13 Joy to the World 2013.
10.05.13 Grateful Heart. Try this original, upbeat song in your Thanksgiving service. It’s a part of the Grateful Heart Set Starter.
09.24.13 Jesus Is His Name Kid’s Medley. FYI this kid’s medley, released late last year, will be a part of my upcoming new Christmas Eve Service Guide as will It Came upon the Midnight Clear. I thought I’d mention it in case you want to get it ready for your kid’s choir
09.21.13 All Christmas and Thanksgiving Service Guides and Set Starters are online and ready for your free download! Click the new “Collections” link at the top of the page (it replaces the “Service Guide” link.)
Service Guides and Set Starters contain arrangements you already get with your subscription, plus original songs, underscores, readings and combined tracks that I’ve put together to create a complete service for you. Service Guides are full services with 6 songs and Set Starters are 3 songs to help you create your own praise sets. These Collections were previously sold separately with a discount but I’ve decided to make them all free with your subscription (as well as new Collections I’ll be creating in the future.)
09.15.13 It Came upon the Midnight Clear. New recording, transposed tracks, transposed chord charts and updated vocals, keyboard and instrumental parts.
09.01.13 Away in a Manger. Christmas at HymnCharts has begun! New audio, updated vocal and instrumental parts, transposed chord charts, transposed stereo tracks.
09.01.13 Crown Him With Many Crowns Lyrics Video.
08.23.13 Praise to the Lord the Almighty. New audio, updated vocal and instrumental parts.
08.19.13 I Need Thee Every Hour Lyrics Video.
08.08.13 We Remember Lyrics Video.
Use lyrics videos like Integrity’s iWorship. In both MP4 and MOV formats, with vocal demo, stereo track and click. Let me know if you like them – I have a few more hymns in process as well as some Christmas carols.
08.01.13 My Savior’s Love 2012. Here’s another arrangement that almost got lost in the shuffle with the website redesign. I put it out in May of 2012 as a yousendit link – which expired and got overlooked. I’ve added transposed chord charts, synth loops and stereo tracks in F and G. You’ll get a lot of use out of this bread-and-butter arrangement.
07.31.13 New Audio & Updated Arrangement: O For a Thousand Tongues. Originally arranged in 2002 I’ve updated vocal and instrumental parts.
07.31.13 New Drum Loop: Are You Washed In The Blood.
07.30.13 New Audio & Updated Arrangement: Be Thou My Vision. Originally arranged in 2002 I’ve updated vocal and instrumental parts and recorded it with Epcot’s Libery Voices.
07.25.13 New original songs: Never Fail Us and Forever Amen. These songs are also a part of the We Remember Communion Guide. Try them out in your ministry – I’ve written them with several talented young worship leaders to be singable by contemporary congregations.
07.24.13 New arrangement: Doxology 2013. With this arrangement I’ve tried to turn the Doxology into more of a substantial “song” – it’s now a little longer than your typical Doxology and it has verses and choruses.
07.13.13 New service guide: We Remember Communion Service Guide – a complete communion service with several underscores, HymnCharts arrangements and original songs.
07.07.13 Welcome to the new HymnCharts.com! Browse around and let me know if you have any suggestions. I’ve moved HymnCharts to the popular WordPress format which makes it much easier for me to manage the content.
This new design is “responsive” which means you can view it more easily on a smartphone or tablet. Does anyone use an android tablet or iPad for rehearsals?
I’ve added a few instrumental pieces (click the “instrumental” link at the top of the page.) Let me know if this is something you like and I’ll add more.
I’ve also decided to make all my service guides a free bonus with your HymnCharts subscription (previously I’ve offered them at a discount.) I’ll get more Christmas service guides online by the end of the summer.
Now that the website redesign is finished I have several arrangements all recorded and ready to mix. First up is a new, upbeat version of the Doxology – I’ll have it ready later this month.